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Top six ISP in Singapore 2021 - IT Block MSP IT Support

Writer: IT BlockIT Block

Top ISP in Singapore | IT Support Singapore | Internet service provider | IT Services | IT Solution | server maintenance
Top six ISP in Singapore 2020 (Internet Service Provider)

Welcome to 2021 and it has been a tough 2020 so far. Starting things off on a good note, let's begin by a Top chart for the ISP companies in Singapore. We base our findings on the general feedback we get from our clients and users from around the country.

Similar to last year, we include all the main providers that both homes and companies can sign up to. And for those new to the country, this is our honest opinion which is also based on our professional IT support experiences with these providers. IT Block has no affiliations with any ISP in Singapore nor is this article branded content. Our top ISP in Singapore post was written for your benefit only.

Number six ISP in Singapore: M1 Limited #6

We had predicted M1 as our favourite for the number one spot in 2020, but we predicted wrong. Riddled with downtime in 2020 and unable to keep it's infrastructure updated quickly enough with new customers have shown how little they were prepared for expansion.

M1 has come a long way since it's underdog days when it came in as the third ISP in Singapore many years ago. And now, it has a commendable chunk of the market share here in Singapore. M1 is a company for the rebels because it does not seem to play along with the big boys. What we mean by that is, M1 is in our opinion, the reason why the prices of internet connectivity are kept really competitive.

They are always the ones slashing prices down, forcing other ISP in Singapore to follow in their trail. Even today, they provide great connectivity and a substantial reduction in price. Which is why we have given them the second place of all the ISP in Singapore. When IT Block liaises with their IT Support team, they seem attentive and knowledgeable. We hope they have learnt from the mistakes of the past and we hope to see them come back strong in the future again.

2020 placement for top ISP in Singapore: Number two

Pros: Extremely affordable and competent customer service.

Viewqwest top isp in singapore 2020 | IT Support IT Services IT Solutions | IT Block IT Support Singapore
Top six ISP in Singapore 2020

Number five ISP in Singapore 2021: ViewQwest #5

There is no change for ViewQwest since our 2020 list, they remain in fifth place. They have always maintained as the fastest fixed network by Ookla. ViewQwest is not so lucky and has faced outages too, but none as bad as M1, which suffered a prolonged outage which made the news.

ViewQwest and My Republic seem to aim at the same niche market, Gamers and Small to Medium-sized enterprises. However ViewQwest claim they have done away with international bandwidth caps. And they are the only ISP in Singapore that has no traffic shaping policies, which is more famously known as throttling. ISP companies usually have such policies in place to keep their costs low on their end, which can be construed as another way of maximizing profits.

gamer plan | top isp in singapore 2020 | IT support singapore | IT Block IT Services IT Solutions
Top six ISP in Singapore 2020 (Internet Service Provider)

Let's have a look at their pricing for their Gamer plan, shall we?

ViewQwest's IT support team, in our experience, are attentive and very easy to reach out to. In fact, account managers encourage business clients to reach out to them directly.

2020 placement for top ISP in Singapore: Number five (out of previous top-five lists)

Pros: Zero international bandwidth cap and no traffic shaping policies.

Number four ISP in Singapore 2021:

WhizComms seems like the slow and steady turtle in this top ISP race in Singapore. It seems this could be their main selling point, they are cheap, they are good. You pay for what you get, but we rarely hear voices of dissapointment.

Unfortunately for WhizComms, despite the novelty factor as a new ISP provider, it has fallen short of gaining substantial market share in Singapore. The ISP competition is tough, especially in pricing. Singapore does have one of the cheapest internet packages. And on top of that, our infrastructure is close to a full 5G launch around the corner. Which means higher speeds to come even soon, which is great and exciting news for us all.

Whizcomm pricing | Top ISP in Singapore | IT Block IT Support | IT Services Singapore
Top six ISP in Singapore 2020

We would still encourage that you give WhizComms a try as your ISP in Singapore. Especially if you have grown frustrated with your previous experience with a large ISP company here in Singapore. Check out the pricing below for the 1Gbps plan!

Unfortunately IT Block MSP has had very little experience with WhizComms, since they are more of a residential service and have yet to expand their services to businesses we provide IT Support to.

2020 placement for top ISP in Singapore: Number six.

Pros: Very affordable starting packages and no hidden costs.

Singtel | Top ISP in Singapore | IT Support Singapore | Internet service provider | IT Services | IT Solution | server maintenance
Top six ISP in Singapore 2020

Number three ISP in Singapore:

All Singtel had to do was just be Singtel, and it climbed it's way up from number four, to three in our list this year. They are Singtel, after all. What Singtel has that not many other of the ISP in Singapore do is size. They are the largest telco and ISP company in Singapore. Their infrastructure is the best and they are mostly owned by government-affiliated companies. But what we feel they truly lack, is a personal touch. Big companies almost always have this problem, they are too big to deal with small problems. And with the aim of trying to streamline their operations, it seems that they have lost all sense of what customer service is all about.

Plenty of complaints on their fully automated customer service hotline and how people who go down to their shops are met with iPads rather than people. What we mean is even if you go down to their shop, you may be sent to a room where you converse with a customer service staff via a video call. Considering how their customers have made their way down to their place, the least they could do is have them speak to a human being.

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Top six ISP in Singapore 2020 (Internet Service Provider)

There are those out there who just want the best and are willing to pay top dollar for it. That is who Singtel truly targets. They target the premium customers.

Singtel's IT Support is good, but a little hard to reach to, and you are almost always expected to wait a long time before someone is able to get to you. IT is what it is.

2020 placement for top ISP in Singapore: Number four

Pros: Most reliable network, fast internet connection islandwide.

Starhub | Top 5 ISP in Singapore | IT Support Singapore | Internet service provider | IT Services | IT Solution | server maintenance
Top six ISP in Singapore 2020

Number two ISP in Singapore:

Last year's number one has not taken a step back to number two? What did they do wrong? Absolutely nothing. And doing nothing does not keep you in first place.

From its early days of providing cable television, Starhub has truly evolved over the years to become the giant ISP in Singapore today. From mobile solutions to enterprise-level networks, Starhub has an extensive range of products that it delivers on, and it delivers very well. Regular maintenance alerts and almost always no issues after maintenance (which is done in the wee hours of the morning). We could complement Starhub all day with the quality of its product.

Despite our doubts against their customer service, Starhub has been able to retain their pool of customers really well. Perhaps it is their partnership with Netflix or how they are able to package their broadband, phone, mobile, and other services so well together. Everyone loves a bargain and a great rewards system.

Starhub gamer turbo | isp in singapore 2020 | it block it support it services it solutions
Top six ISP in Singapore 2020 (Internet Service Provider)

What we have found at IT Block, they do a great job in reliability, especially with enterprise-level solutions. Maintaining such market share does mean they are able to provide high levels of reliability and security in their technology. Which we find they do very well.

Starhub's IT Support team is in the same league as Singtel, they are top-notch. But feedback wise is the same, they are harder to reach these days. Also, ISPs have now taken a step back and do not take responsibility for the routers they provide, customers these days have to liaise directly with the respective router manufacturer is there are any issues determined by the IT support team is not the responsibility of the ISP.

2020 placement for top ISP in Singapore: Number one

Pros: Reliable and affordable. Great packages with their other services for affordability.

my republic | Top 5 ISP in Singapore | IT Support Singapore | Internet service provider | IT Services | IT Solution | server maintenance
Top six ISP in Singapore 2020

Number one ISP in Singapore:

Number one! What a race! What we love about MyRepublic is consistency. If you are a console or computer gamer in Singapore, MyRepublic is a great ISP for you. The lowest ping rate and very reliable internet connection.

My Republic is finally starting to expand into the business world at full speed. They have launched many packages and have improved their infrastructure to cater to businesses here in Singapore. Nonetheless, they still keep to their true form, which is servers dedicated to low latency, perfect for gaming.

At 4.5 percent market share compared to ViewQwest's 1.5 percent. My Republic is clearly gaining ground and momentum. And we predict them to grow even further as an ISP in Singapore.

My republic does not have the best sales or customer service team, but their IT support team is always there and on the ball. We have only heard and experienced good things dealing with My Republic's IT support.

2020 placement for top ISP in Singapore: Number three

Pros: Consistent and reliable. Not much downtime reported and very low-latency connection.

Check out our other ISP related posts:

Don't be disheartened with our take on the ISP in Singapore. We will keep doing this year after year. Revising as we go along.

Just to repeat our disclaimer, this list is based on our own opinion and bias. Of course, we try to be objective, and at worst this list is based on our own anecdotal experiences.

Singapore | Top 5 ISP in Singapore | IT Support Singapore | Internet service provider | IT Services | IT Solution | server maintenance
Top six ISP in Singapore 2020 (Internet Service Provider)

Thank you for reading 'Top six ISP in Singapore 2020 (Internet Service Provider)' ! Have a beautiful day! IT Block MSP is a local IT Support outsourcing firm based in Singapore.


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