In this edition of our blog, we would like to highlight the importance of maps, the digital ones that are. Bing or Google or Apple, whichever it is, you want your entity or business to be on them. And here is a little tip: If done right, you can increase the probability of your location to be displayed at the top of each map search. Imagine if you were a cupcake shop and always turned up in the results when people search for "dessert shop" or "cupcakes". Now that would be great for business.
The basics would be to register your business on google, the famous Google My Business page. But that is not all there is to it. Search engines have ways to verify if your website is real. They peek over at the other trustworthy maps that are available for example yelp or TripAdvisor. They want to see if people are commenting on your shop of business on other platforms. This ensures two things, one that your business is real and secondly that it is a good idea to push a business that does a good job satisfying its customers.
It does help a lot when there are loads of people who are commenting and giving you ratings. Making your google my business page rich with content and images is also a great way to boost your presence and help spread the word.