Could we have ever predicted the wide-scale digital transformation caused by the global pandemic COVID-19 coronavirus?
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives,
not the most intelligent that survives.
It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”
―Charles Darwin
We are living through a massive turning point in history. Historical books rewritten, stories inspired ---- heroes added to the annals of time. And just like the industrial revolution, we are about to experience a gigantic shift in humankind's work behaviour, a second wave of the digital revolution is upon us.
Lockdown measures
The COVID-19 coronavirus digital transformation
As the pandemic gets worse, countries have accepted the effectiveness of lockdowns, weighing lives against their economy, businesses will have to take these implementations. With a vaccine nowhere in sight; lack of testing in developing countries and flights between individual states still running --- these factors which could easily prolong the spread and length of this pandemic forcing businesses to adapt or evolve.
Digital transformation revolution
The COVID-19 coronavirus digital transformation
We have known it all along; plenty of work can effectively be done from the comfort of your own home. Whether you're a social media manager or an account executive, the only reason you still work from the office is culture. A deeply rooted belief that work is done in the office and time off spent at home. The classic nine to five concept is becoming more incompatible with the new digital age, and all COVID-19 has made us realize it even more. The internet has been around for decades, lying in wait for us to utilize it in its best possible form. Practical reasons aside, the environmental impact of humans spending more time at home is nothing short of spectacular. Wildlife caught on camera thriving, with oceans and the air showing much cleaner readings. The impact did, people now know it is possible. With software like Skype and Zoom, office briefings, client meetings and even daily greetings can be done remotely. Commuting is a waste of time, and there are many good reasons for many professions to have a location to work. But if you are not a police officer, a doctor, a nurse, an IT technician, for example, there is hardly a need to be in the office.
Maybe the future of office space is a meeting room and some barebone IT infrastructure. Perhaps the end of days for desktop computers are much closer than we realize. However, humankind is an organism of habit. Although we do not see everyone reverting to the old concept of working in the office, widespread adoption of home working will depend on how long this pandemic lasts.
A New Hope
The COVID-19 coronavirus digital transformation
At the end of this arduous journey, we hope the world evolves into a society confident in-home working as a concept. If newscasters and talk show host can work from home, (albeit not as effectively), we too can adapt. And realize that the benefits of adopting this new digital transformation wave are an endless list of advantages. Both for the world and our quality of life.
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